Are there any specific storage requirements for RAMS boards when not in use?

When storing RAMS boards that are not in use, the primary recommendation is to cover them with foil to prevent dust accumulation. This simple measure helps to maintain the cleanliness and readiness of the boards for future use. The construction material of RAMS boards, High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE), significantly influences their storage requirements:

  1. Durability and Longevity: HDPE`s durability makes RAMS boards suitable for long-term use and storage in various environments. This material is known for its resistance to many forms of degradation, ensuring the boards remain in good condition over time, even when stored for extended periods.
  2. Resistance to Environmental Factors: HDPE is well-suited to withstand a range of weather conditions, including extreme temperatures, UV exposure, rain, and other common outdoor factors. This resilience means that, aside from protecting the boards from dust, they do not require special environmental conditions for storage. They can be stored in a variety of settings without concern for material degradation.
  3. Low Maintenance in Storage: Given HDPE`s resistance to factors like corrosion and moisture, RAMS boards do not require extensive maintenance procedures while in storage. Covering them to prevent dust is generally sufficient to maintain their condition.

In summary, apart from covering RAMS boards to prevent dust collection, there are no specific or rigorous storage requirements due to the robust and resilient nature of HDPE. This material choice ensures that RAMS boards can be stored with minimal upkeep while retaining their functionality and durability for future use.